In this short video I presented a few of my Owl House props I made for my Eda Clawthorne cosplay. I do have lots more, but let's focus on those featured in the video first! I'll show you how I made them, so you can do your own as well.
This is already the second tutorial I did! You can find my Hex Mix Tutorial here.
This is how I made the Elixir from the Owl House
The elixir is a very important prop, since we need to put the curse in check, don't we ;)
To create your own elixir you will need just a few things:
Glue Stick
Big Needle & Thread
Glass Bottle
Orange Juice/Water/Acrylic Paint
Elixir Label Template (Download at the bottom)
I was looking for ball-shaped glass bottles online and had to do some digging. You can easily find smaller ones for necklaces or decoration stuff, but finding bigger ones, you can actually drink from, wasn't that easy. And they are kinda expensive as well.
I found mine on Amazon and it also came with a leather strap, so you could technically put it on a belt or something.

For the label I watched S1E10 again and screen-shotted the two parts, so I could puzzle them together in Photoshop. I did not have any matching paper so I just coloured the background and extended the frame a bit. So I could just fold the lable on one side after printing.

Make sure to print it out in the size you need. My finished label is about 4,5 cm x 9,5 cm big.
Print and cut out your label and fold it in half (so the back is still covered with paint). Glue everything together with a glue stick and cut off the remaining paper to get a nice label shape.
If you want, you can laminate this as well now, so it does not get wet or tear. I wanted it to look like paper, so I skipped that part.
I folded, and glued it together, pinched a hole through it and attached it with some thread to the bottle.
For the elixir itself you could use orange juice like me, or water and acrylic paint. The elixir does glow in the show - one could use some special paint or effects to make it glow in the dark. Feel free to experiment with the liquid! I think it's more of an amber coloured liquid than orange or yellow tbh.
But I had juice at home and wanted to be able to drink it at the convention.
I hope this little tutorial helped you! I will be uploading more on this blog, so make sure to come back later, or check the other posts! Thank you!
To save you some time I uploaded my file and you can use it as a template. Try out different sizes! You don't need to credit me, but I would love to see your result. So if you upload it on Social Media, it would be lovely if you could tag me!
Instagram: @_tsuya_
TikTok: @tsuya_the_stitch_witch
I also have a ko-fi account. So if this was helpful for you and you want to leave a tip, just follow this link. Thank you <3
Get the template here:
